The individual weapons are not named, and are usually identified by a numerical designation, such as Final Fantasy Record Keeper calling the main blade and the hollow blade, "1st Fusion Sword" and "2nd Fusion Sword', respectively. At points when Cloud connects additional swords to the main blade, the assembly briefly glows a green-blue color, but this is inconsistent and there is no glow when Cloud disconnects a sword from the assembly. It is unclear to what extent the individual swords, and the various states of assembly the Fusion Sword goes through, augment the strength of Cloud's attacks or the weapon's cutting and crushing power. Cloud is able to perform many of his Limit Breaks when wielding the swords. Over the course of events in Advent Children, Cloud wields the various swords in different combinations, as individual weapons and partially assembled into the Fusion Sword. Cloud's motorcycle, the Fenrir, has compartments along the front wheel assembly that store the six swords while he is driving.
The harness only has slots for four blades in Advent Children, but in other media and merchandise, it usually has six slots to hold the full set.

Cloud carries the weapons in a harness on his back, the handles emerging from the sides for him to reach behind him and draw them. The individual swords consist of the main blade, a hollow front blade, a pair of back blades, and a pair of side blades. The Fusion Sword is composed of six swords that assemble into a single large sword with a shape identical to the Buster Sword. The Fusion Sword's components and how they combine. 4.3 Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call.4.2.2 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia.

4.2 Dissidia Final Fantasy and Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy.4.1 Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII.